Introducing ParcelTracker

Posted 5 months ago

Track your parcels before they arrive!

Residents of Wolfson Hall and Cairncross House will soon have free access to an upgraded parcel delivery notification system.

You will be notified by email when a parcel is delivered to your residence where it will be held at reception until you can collect.

For residents at Wolfson Hall this is an upgrade to the existing system and for Cairncross House this is a brand new service to make life in your Glasgow home as easy as possible.

You don't need to take any action as your accommodation contract with us is the key to access. Using your name, email and room number, ParcelTracker will take care of seamless delivery to your residence.

To ensure smooth operation of the notification system your name, email and room number are shared with ParcelTracker. You have the right to opt out of the system by completing this web form . Be aware that opting out will mean deliveries to your residence will not be notified to you and receipt may be delayed.

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