Murano Street 360° Image Gallery

Posted 1 year ago

Check out what it looks like inside

Single Standard Bedroom

Murano Street Bedroom (360°)
Murano Street Bedroom (360°)

Kitchen (12-Person Flat)

Murano Street 12-Person Kitchen (360°)

Kitchen (5-Person Flat)

Murano Street 5-Person Kitchen (360°)

Study Zone

Murano Street Study Zone

Study Booth

Murano Street Study Zone

Computers and Amazon Lockers

Murano Street Study Zone (360°)

Distraction Zone

Murano Street Distraction Zone (360°)

Image Disclaimer

Please note that all of the images shown are for illustrative purposes only. The rooms pictured are not necessarily typical of the accommodation available at Murano Street Student Village, which can vary in terms of size, configuration, and finish.