Let's do laundry

Posted 10 months ago

Knowledge is power

Been so busy during your first week or so in Glasgow that you're down to your last pair of clean underwear? Don't worry! This guide will tell you where your nearest laundry room is, and how to do your laundry.

Where's my nearest laundry room?

  • Murano Street Student Village
    There are two laundry rooms, one in the Central Services Building, and one to the rear of 3 CheviotPlease ask at reception for the access code to the Cheviot laundry room. You're welcome to use either laundry room, however residents in Grampian, Pentland, Campsie, Lomond and Ochil are closest to the CSB laundry room, and residents in Moorfoot, Cheviot, Sidlaw, Lennox and Lammermuir are closest to the Cheviot laundry room.
  • Queen Margaret Residence
    The laundry room is located in the Central Services Building.  As there are flats above the laundry room, it is closed between 11pm and 7am.
  • Winton Drive
    There are two laundry rooms, one under block 24 and one under block 28. Your room key will unlock the laundry room closest to your block. If there are no free machines, try the laundry room at Queen Margaret Residence.
  • Kelvinhaugh Street
    The laundry room is located at the rear of the flats between buildings 53 and 61. Your room key will unlock the laundry room.
  • Kelvinhaugh Gate
    The laundry room is located between blocks 1 and 3, beside the office. Your room key will unlock the laundry room.
  • Cairncross House
    There are two laundry rooms, one on the first floor, and one on the third floor.
  • Student Apartments
    There laundry rooms at the back of 79 Great George Street and in the basement of 8 Southpark Terrace.  Please check the noticeboards in your hall for directions to your nearest laundry and there will be a key on your set of accommodation keys for access to your laundry room.
  • Maclay Residence
    The laundry room is located next to reception. Your room key will unlock the laundry room.
  • Lister House
    The laundry room is located near to the common room.
  • Wolfson Hall
    The laundry room is located next to reception. Your room key will unlock the laundry room.

Noms Residences

  • Blackfriars
    Laundry Facilities are located on the ground floor of both blocks. For block 4, the room is next to the common room area and for block six they are at the end of the ground floor corridor, next to the stairs.
  • Bridge House
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor, along from the Common Room
  • Dobbie's Point
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor.
  • Firhill Court
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor.
  • Havannah House
    The laundry room is located in the common area.
  • Kelvin Court
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor.
  • Kelvingrove House
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor.
  • Thurso Street
    The laundry room is located on the ground floor.

Before you head to the laundry room, check if a machine is free.

Why wait around in the laundry room for a machine to become free when you can check if there's one available from the comfort of your room? You can also see stats on when the laundry rooms are busiest so you can avoid the rush hours.

Sanctuary Students Sites (Murano Street, Queen Margaret, Winton Drive, Cairncross House, Kelvinhaugh Street, Kelvinhaugh Gate):

  • Click HERE
  • Select Glasgow from the first drop down menu
  • Select Sanctuary Students from the second
  • Select your laundry room from the third

Wolfson Hall:

  • Click HERE
  • Select Glasgow from the first drop down menu
  • Select University of Glasgow from the second
  • Select Wolfson Hall from the third

All other sites:

How much does a wash and dry cost?

All of our laundry rooms feature app-activated machines. Just download the free app to any smartphone and top-up online. It's super simple! You can also get top-up cards if your phone doesn't support the app.

Full info on the charges is available at your residence.

Here are some tips for using the machines...

  • The water in Glasgow is soft, meaning it lathers easily so less detergent is needed.
  • Where do I put washing powder? All washing powder goes straight in the machine drum. You may prefer to use laundry tablets (some are a 2 in 1 tablets as they have both detergent and softener in it). 
  • Our top-up/app-operated machines do not have a drawer for detergent, so all washing powders, capsules, softeners, etc. go straight into the drum with your clothes. If you're buying a fabric softener make sure it's bleach-free otherwise your clothes may be stained!
  • Before putting clothes into machines, empty all pockets as items, such as pens and make-up, can cause damage to clothes and to the machines.
  • Always check inside washers and dryers before putting clothes inside to make sure they are empty, and that the lint filter has been cleared. 
  • Pay attention to the maximum and minimum loading lines marked on the machines. Overloading the machines will lead to your clothes not being washed or dried properly and underloading is a waste of energy (and money!).
  • If the washing machine won’t start the display will show “E DL”, simply open the washer door and shut it again, this will clear the fault as the door wasn’t shut properly.
  • You may have to wait a minute after your wash has finished before the door will open. Sometimes gently pressing in the door before pulling it also helps release the lock.
  • Always check machines after use to make sure no items have been left behind and please empty the lint filter.
  • When drying clothes, remember that "permanent press" or "delicates" is the cold setting, while "whites" is the hottest setting. If your clothes haven't dried after a cycle, it's usually because a wrong setting was selected or the machine was overloaded.
  • Before using the dryer check that the small fluff vent in the inside front of the dryer has been emptied – if not fluff should be removed.
  • If there is a faulty machine you can log the fault online to arrange for an engineer to attend. Also let site staff know so an out-of-order sign can be displayed in the meantime.
  • Good laundry practice would advise you not to remove items from a machine while it is in use without the resident being present. You should avoid leaving items in the machine after the cycle is finished as it will cause an inconvenience for other residents. Set an alarm for when your washing will be done!
  • Circuit who manages the machines also have a free 24hr customer helpline number in case you are not sure which settings to use. The number is 0142 282 0026 or 0800 092 4068. You can also ask site staff or your Living Support Team.

We hope this answers all your laundry-related questions. Happy washing!