Posted 2 days ago
Mon 20 Jan, 2025 12:01 AM
The 25th January is Robert Burns' birthday and the day Scotland celebrates his life and works.
Traditionally Scots and friends enjoy a night of eating (including haggis, of course), sharing poetry, pipe music and ceilidh dancing. If you fancy trying a haggis dinner at home there are a range of recipes from traditional Haggis, Neeps and Tatties to dishes with a modern twist. You can buy vegan, vegetarian and gluten free haggis in shops to suit a range of dietary needs.
Traditional Haggis, Neeps and Tatties
Haggis, neeps and tatties is a simple dish to make. MacSween (who make meat, vegetarian and gluten free haggis products) has a quick recipe here that should take 10-20 minutes.
Make-your-own Vegan Haggis
Vegan haggis is relatively simple to make, using plant based butter, veg, lentils, spices, oats, marmite, veg stock and sunflower seeds. If you fancy making your own from scratch, The Pesky Vegan has a great recipe at the bottom of this page.
Burns Night with a Twist
MacSween has a range of recipes on their website that use haggis in a modern way. Here are some of our favourite recipes we found: