Haggis Lasagna

Posted 4 weeks ago

Looking for an alternative haggis recipe?

Try this delicious and easy Haggis Lasagna recipe, it'll be a success!

It serves approximately 4 people - servings are always debatable, I know.

It'll take you around 20 minutes to prepare and 1 hour and 10 minutes to cook (plus 10 minutes resting time if you don't want to burn your precious tongue).



  • 1 large haggis, approx 900g - 250 g lasagna sheets
  • 4 tomatoes, sliced - 1 pinches black pepper
  • 3 tbsp finely grated parmesan - 1 dashes of olive oil

For the white sauce

  • 40 g butter - 40 g plain flour
  • 500 ml milk - 1 pinches black pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. Cut open the haggis and crumble with your fingers. Scatter some over the base of a buttered lasagne dish.
  2. Top with a third of the lasagna sheets then top with more haggis. Top with the tomatoes, season well with salt and freshly ground pepper and top with lasagne sheets and the remaining haggis.
  3. To make the white sauce, melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan, then add the flour, stirring to form a roux. Gradually add the milk, stirring or whisking to form a sauce. Stir for 4-5 minutes then season with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  4. Pour the white sauce over the lasagne, top with the Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil. Bake in the oven for 45-55 minutes until golden.

And that's it!

Remember to let it rest for 10 minutes if you want to be able to taste it!
