E-inductions are now live!

Posted 3 months ago

Find out how and where to access

If you are going to be joining us in Residences and have accepted your accommodation contract you should now be able to access your e-induction.

The Accommodation e-induction module has been designed to help you prepare for life in University Residences by providing essential information on such things as: 

  • Planning for your arrival
  • Room Inventory and Damage (University Residences)
  • Health and Safety
  • Personal security tips
  • Basic financial planning
  • Your residence contract
  • UofGLiving Social Media

Taking the e-induction is easy, simply log back in to your online accommodation account and select 'Begin induction' to get underway. The induction itself doesn’t take much time to complete but is compulsory for all students in residence so you’re going to want to get it completed well before arrival.