Walking in The Green

Posted 10 months ago

Our student blogger, Gerard, gives us the inside scoop

I love green areas. Luckily, now that I live in Glasgow, I have a wide variety of parks worth seeing within the metropolitan area. Today I am writing about the oldest of them all: Glasgow Green.

Visiting this green place might take a while. In my case, walking around took about an hour. But I can assure it is not enough for a full visit. However, Glasgow Green is within 15 min walk from the centre, so it's no big deal to get there when you have some spare time.

One of the first things that you notice as soon as you enter is that there are runners and cyclists everywhere. This might seem surprising at first, but once you have been walking for 5 min, you discover the secret: flatness.

The truth is that Glasgow Green is indeed one of the flattest parks I have visited so far. This makes it very attractive for anyone willing to exercise, have a picnic or, like me, have a relaxing walk by the Clyde. I must say that, even though the scenery is not as leafy as other parks (like the Kelvingrove) in Glasgow Green you can still find some enchanting spots following the asphalt footpaths by the river... and even see some wild life!

Moreover, in some areas you will be able to sense the sweet smell of spirits being brewed in Strathclyde's Distillery, which provides an extra sensory experience to having a walk.

After a while, you will discover that Glasgow Green is divided into two regions, distinctly recognised by the High and Low Green Gates. Personally, I prefer the Low Green, as it is full of beautiful sites. Some remarkable ones include: the People's Palace - which is a social museum about Glaswegian life; the Winter Gardens -which is a greenhouse with plenty of exotic plants; the Doulton Fountain - currently the largest terracotta fountain in the world; as well as other notable monuments. However, the High Green is also interesting for football lovers as it is where the Glasgow Green Football Centre sits.

If everything I've told you isn't enough to tease for you to go to Glasgow Green, here is more: it is the chosen spot for a number of events, such as Guy Fawkes Fireworks on the 5th of November.

I hope you liked it and... enjoy the Green!!