Welcome to Kelvinhaugh Residences

Posted 9 months ago


We hope you have had a good journey here and looking forward to your studies at the University of Glasgow. Here's our A-Z of essential things you need to know. If you have any questions please pop into Reception at Cairncross House and speak to staff.


The reception desk is located at Cairncross house and is open between 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday, out with this time there is a Residence Life Assistant or Security on duty for assistance. You can contact the office on 0141 221 9334 , or by emailing khr@sanctuary.co.uk

The office will use your email registered with Accommodation Services to send updates from the office. We will let you know if we need access to your flat for a repair or routine maintenance, when we will be coming to inspect your flat and for when we need in to read the meter.

Please ensure that the email registered with University of Glasgow is up to date, you can let them know about any changes by emailing accom@gla.ac.uk or logging into your accommodation online portal. Please check your email on a regular basis.

Banned Items

It is really important that we all live in residences safely. For that reason we have a list of items that you are not allowed to have in residence. If we find an item on this list in your room (or flat), it will be removed and you can collect it at the end of your stay with us.

Bike Sheds

Are located throughout the site and you should use the one nearest to your block. Your bedroom key will open the lock or a code is required for Cairncross house residents. Please ensure you close the shed door after use. Please register your bike with reception when you arrive as unregistered bikes will be disposed of. We recommend you safely mark your bike and insure it. Bikes are left at your own risk.

Fire Alarm

Please read the separate leaflet on Fire safety procedures enclosed in your key envelope. Assembly points are indicated throughout the site. The weekly fire test is carried out on a Thursday commencing from 2pm and will take approximately 1 hour to work through all blocks.

Heating and Hot Water

Current heating times are displayed on the notice board in your block. To regulate the temperature, each room radiator has a control valve or for Kelvinhaugh Street flats have a thermostat panel located in the kitchen. Extra heating will be offered to residents who are unwell or while repairs are being carried out. Please enquire at the office.

If you discover a loss of heating or hot water within your flat please contact the reception/security team as soon as possible.


You are responsible for the cleaning in your room and in the public areas within the flat. Please remove refuse to bin stores on a regular basis and place inside the bins provided, please never leave on the ground as this will attract pests. Glasgow City Council empty the bins on a rotation each week.

Please note: All bedrooms are prepared for new student arrivals, however you may be entering a flat which is already partially occupied. In this case the cleaning of the communal areas within the flat is the responsibility of residents currently living in the flat.

If you are aware of any problems please inform the office within 7 working days so arrangements can be made to rectify any shortfalls.


Use our Quick start guide to Glide Internet and Wi-Fi

Inventory (for your room/flat)

Once your arrival has been processed and your check-in completed, you will receive an email requesting that you access your accommodation portal to complete your on-line inventory. Please note that you must accept or send us your comments within 48 hours. If you do not, we will assume that the condition of each item as held in our records is correct.


The tag will open the front door to your block 24 hours a day. The key/s enclosed will open the front door to your flat and to your individual room. Please look after your keys. Replacements cost £40 (key and fob).

Laundry Facilities

Laundry rooms are located throughout the site and are open from 8am-10pm. It costs £3 per load to use the washing machine and £1.70 for the tumble dryer. Payment is made through the Circuit laundry app or contactless with full details on the posters in the laundry rooms.


Mail and Parcels will be accepted for Cairncross House residents only.

No mail or parcels will be accepted at reception for Kelvinhaugh Street or Kelvinhaugh Gate residents so please ensure you make arrangements to have items delivered to your flat.

Personal Contact Details

Please see your room envelope or block notice board for your full address and post code.

When giving out your address, please ensure that it contains block and flat number, otherwise mail might not be delivered.

Proof of Residence letter

Proof of residence letters can be requested via the following link or on your accommodation online portal.

Alternatively, you can contact the University Accommodation Services for references by emailing accom@glasgow.ac.uk

Recycle bins

Blue recycle bins are located in the bin sheds for the disposal of newspapers, magazines, plastic bottles and food & drink cans. Purple glass recycling bins are also located in this area. Recycling bins have been provided in each kitchen for you to use, please empty regularly and for further advice refer to the Glasgow City guide to recycling.

We also have British Heart Foundation charity bins located throughout the site for unwanted clothing and books.


Please report any repairs required by completing a repair form at Reception (in Cairncross House), completing the online maintenance form or emailing khr@sanctuary.co.uk. For any urgent repair requests, please call on 0141 221 9334.

Residence Life Assistants

In case of emergency outside of normal office hours, please contact the Residence Life Assistant by dialling the number located in your emergency contact poster on your kitchen noticeboard. Alternatively you can email kelvinhaugh-RL@glasgow.ac.uk

Sanctuary Students' Team

We can be contacted during office hours by dialling +44(0) 141 221 9334 or by emailing khr@sanctuary.co.uk


If you've read this far you know all about UofGLiving as you are on the site right now . You'll find details on events at Kelvinhaugh Residences plus loads of tips to make your time in residences and Glasgow great. There are guides to Glasgow's parks, essential FAQs, recipes, suggested days out plus essential information about how to do the laundry or pay your accommodation fees.