Flat and bedroom inspections

Posted 11 months ago

How to pass with flying colours

With all the studying and socialising you've been packing into your uni schedule, cleaning your flat has probably been conveniently pushed to the bottom of the list (if it's on there at all)!

The time has come however, for us to  inspect your flat! Over the next few weeks, site staff will be visiting to make sure there are no fire or health and safety risks and that you're living in a clean and acceptable living environment.

Following the inspection you will receive a report by email which will detail any action you need to take or any repairs that the inspector noticed that they will arrange. The format of the report is a little confusing so we've included a couple of examples below to help you understand the content.

We do not expect to find perfection, although, just occasionally, we do!  So, if you would you like to pass your flat inspection with top marks, here are a few of the most common things that we typically look out for on inspection days.


  • Your bedroom should be kept clean and tidy and the floor clear of any potential trip hazards.
  • Posters, photos, banners etc should not be hung directly onto the bedroom walls. Any Blu Tack stains or drawing pin holes left behind on departure can result in potential recharges.
  • The bedroom doors and their closer mechanisms should be kept clear at all times. This includes coats, clothes hangers etc.
  • Please ensure that any used dishes are moved through to the kitchen area. The use of kitchen appliances (kettles, rice cookers etc) in bedrooms is prohibited and any found during your inspection will be moved into the kitchen.
  • Any personal heaters, dehumidifiers etc which have not provided by the office staff will also be removed.


  • Flat hallways should be vacuumed and cleared of any potential obstacles. Any posters on doors, walls etc should also be removed.
  • Store cupboards should be kept clean and tidy.


  • Bins and recycling bags should be emptied regularly and taken to the designated bin areas outside.  Do not allow rubbish to accumulate and overflow, as this can encourage pests and become a potential fire risk.
  • Fridges and freezers should be cleaned inside and outside, with food stored appropriately. Please ensure that ice does not build up inside either appliance.
  • All kitchen appliances (Ovens/hobs, kettles, toasters, microwaves etc) should be cleaned regularly and kept in good condition. Please ensure that your ovens and grill trays in particular are free of any grease, as this can constitute a fire hazard.
  • Kitchen cupboards should be cleaned inside and outside and should not have any items stored on top.
  • Kitchen sinks should be cleaned and free from cutlery, crockery, glassware etc. The same goes for the kitchen tables and worktop surfaces.
  • Floors should be kept clean of rubbish, spillages, crumbs etc.

Bathrooms & Showers

  • Your bathrooms and/or shower cubicles should be cleaned thoroughly, washing down the base and sides after use and cleaning the drain of any stray hairs. Please use a proprietary cleaning product.
  • Shower curtains should also be cleaned regularly. We recommend a ‘Hot’ wash in one of the washing machines in the laundry rooms.
  • The bathroom and/or shower room floor should also be cleaned of any water, dirt etc.


  • Your toilet should be cleaned thoroughly, including the bowl, seat, lid and pedestal. Remember to use an appropriate cleaner and a toilet brush for the bowl.
  • The wash-hand basin should also be cleaned, along with the taps and mirror where applicable.
  • The toilet floor should also be kept clean and any rubbish (e.g. used toilet rolls) removed.

An example of a good inspection report. There are no charges or actions.

An example of an inspection report where action is required by the resident. Currently, there are no charges but if action is not taken then charges can be added.

So there we go, no excuses, gather your flatmates, get those rubber gloves on and get your flat looking tip top!

If you have any questions or would like more information just visit your site reception and staff will be happy to provide more tips and advice.