Posted 2 years ago
Wed 01 Mar, 2023 12:03 PM
We know... cleaning and taking out the rubbish is not an exciting part of university life, but it needs to be done and we all need to do our bit!
You might be wondering who is responsible for cleaning what in your accommodation, where the bins are, and what kind of rubbish goes in which bins? This guide should answer all of your cleaning and rubbish related questions, with information specific to your residence.
No matter which residence you stay in, it is your responsibility to keep your bedroom and communal areas clean and tidy. For communal areas, we recommend drawing up a simple cleaning rota to keep things fair between you and your flatmates.
In some residences, a cleaning service is provided for communal areas. If this is the case, the cleaners will service the communal areas only (kitchen, lounge, hallway, shared bathroom facilities) - never your bedroom (or en-suite if you have one).
The cleaners will clean all of the surfaces and the floors, however in order to do this the rooms must be tidy. Make sure the kitchen sink is clear, all dishes are clean and put away, the surfaces and tables are free from personal belongings, and the bins are empty the night before your cleaning day (which will be displayed on your kitchen notice board).
Cleaning staff will maintain the stairwells.
Murano Street Student Village
- Large flats - (10 or 12 person) - a weekly cleaning service is provided.
- Small flats - (4 or 5 person) - no cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling - it might be an idea include this in your cleaning rota.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the navy bins, located either side of the Central Services Building.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the light blue bins or red Biffa bins, located either side of the Central Services Building and on Vasart Place.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the large silver Paladin bins or green or black wheelie bins, located in the car parks outside each block.
- Batteries - Batteries can be recycled at reception.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bins.
Queen Margaret & Winton Drive
- Queen Margaret - a weekly cleaning service is provided.
- Winton Drive - a weekly cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling - it might be an idea include this in your cleaning rota.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the purple or navy bins, located outside of the Central Services Building, between blocks 8 and 12, and in the Winton Drive car park.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the blue bins, located in the bin stores, or the Winton Drive car park.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the large silver Paladin bins or green wheelie bins, located in the bin stores.
- Batteries - Batteries can be recycled at reception.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin.
Cairncross House
A weekly cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the glass bins, located in the Cairncross car park.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the large metal bins marked recycling, located in the Cairncross car park.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the large silver Paladin bins or green or black wheelie bins, located outside of each block.
- Batteries - Batteries can be recycled at reception.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin.
Kelvinhaugh Gate & Kelvinhaugh Street
- Kelvinhaugh Street - no cleaning service is provided.
- Kelvinhaugh Gate - a weekly cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the glass bins, located in the bin areas behind Kelvinhaugh Gate/Street.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the light blue bins, located in the bin areas behind Kelvinhaugh Gate/Street.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the green bins, located in the bin areas behind Kelvinhaugh Gate/Street.
- Batteries - Batteries can be recycled at reception.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin.
No cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the small green lidded blue bins, located at the front of the site.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the big blue metal bins, located at the front of the site.
- Food - Food waste (in bio-degradable bags only) goes in the grey wheelie bins, located at the front of the site and in each bin shed.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the large silver Paladin bins, located in each bin shed or at the front of the site.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin.
Student Apartments
- Student Houses - a weekly cleaning service is provided.
- Student Flats - no cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling.
- Glass - Glass bins are located along Great Western Road, or at the carpark at the University Avenue/Byres Road junction, and also at the Bute Gardens/Great George Street junction.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the recylcing bins, located in the courtyard to the rear of your block.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the bins, located in the courtyard to the rear of your block.
- Batteries - Please bring these to reception to be recycled.
- Stamps - Please bring these to reception to be donated to charity.
- Lightbulbs and other electricals - Please arrange to have these disposed of properly via reception.
Lister House
A weekly cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish and recycling.
- Glass - Glass bottles and jars go in the green bin, located in the east carpark.
- Mixed Recycling - Plastic, paper, card, tins and cans go in the blue bin, located in the east carpark.
- Food - Food waste (in bio-degradable bags only) goes in the small grey wheelie bins, located by the general waste bins.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the large grey bins, located in the lower carpark near the east building.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin.
A weekly cleaning service is provided.
It is your responsibility to take out your rubbish, however shared bins and recycling bins are emptied by site staff.
- Mixed Recycling - Mixed recycling goes in the green labelled bins, located indoors throughout the site.
- General Waste - General waste goes in the white labelled bins, located indoors throughout the site. When taking general waste out, it goes in the green wheelie bins or in the large metal euro bins with the black lids, located in the bin storage areas.
- Charity Donations - You can donate good quality clean items such as clothing, shoes, books, etc. to the British Heart Foundation using the red British Heart Foundation bin, located between Endrick and Bardowie accommodation blocks.