Checking out of Maclay Residences

Posted 5 months ago

Moving out made easy

We hope you have enjoyed your time in residence. To make your check-out as smooth as possible we've put together this guide as a checklist and reminder of your responsibilities.

When do I need to check out of my room?

You must clear your room and return your keys by 1000hrs on your contract end date. Our next contract end date is Friday 7 June 2024.

You can leave before Friday 7 June if this is more suitable for you. Please be aware that you will be liable for accommodation fees until the contract end date.

Returning your keys

A key return envelope will be left outside your bedroom door shortly before the contract end date. Complete the details on the envelope and put your keys inside before handing into reception as you leave Maclay.

If you need to depart when reception is closed, please leave the key envelope in the mailbox at the front door.

Please note there is a charge of approximately £100 for lock replacement if keys are not returned.

Forwarding address

Please advise friends, family, your bank, GP, online retail companies you have used for Maclay deliveries, and the University of your change of address and make arrangements to have your mail re-directed.

Due to the large volume of mail we cannot store or re-direct mail. Any mail that arrives will be returned to sender.

If you are moving rooms over the summer please ensure you update your address as soon as possible as we are unable to allow access to your old flat.

Cleaning your flat

  • Leave your room clean and tidy.
  • Remove any posters/decoration carefully. You may be liable for charges to damaged paintwork.
  • Have you stored anything important under your mattress? Remember to check all cupboards and drawers carefully.
  • Dispose of any rubbish and recycling in the correct manner by placing it inside the bins in the courtyard. Do not leave it anywhere in the flat. 
  • Leave your kitchen clean and completely free of rubbish and recycling. Remember to empty and clean cupboards and also to remove food in the fridge/freezer. 
  • If you have moved any furniture to use in your bedroom, please return it back to the kitchen.
  • If you have any additional, non-university, furniture please remove this along with you other belongings.
  • You are welcome to take the provided bedding to your next home.
  • If your bedroom had a desk lamp, please leave it in your bedroom.
  • A charge will be made to all occupants if communal areas are not left in a clean and tidy condition.


All rubbish, items for recycling and unwanted items (including supermarket delivery crates) MUST be removed from your room/flat and placed INSIDE the bins/skips in the designated bin area adjacent to your building. Make sure bin bags are tied securely and the bin lid is closed.

Please note any broken electrical equipment should be left in the bin area behind the common room for safe disposal.

If you leave rubbish in your room or flat a charge of £10 per bag will be added to you account. Items left in your room will be treated as unwanted and disposed of.

It is your responsibility to check all areas of your room/flat before you leave for the final time to ensure you have all your possessions with you and that all unwanted items have been disposed of correctly.


Donate unwanted goods such as clothing, bags, books, crockery, cooking equipment etc. and working electrical items to the British Heart Foundation, the GUEST drop off point for the Student2Student Essentials campaign or a local charity shop. 

At reception we can recycle: printer ink cartridges; foreign or unwanted coins; household batteries and postage stamps.

Perishable food can be taken to the Community Fridge on level 3 at the University Library and non-perishable food that’s unopened and still in date can be put in the foodbank box at your nearest supermarket.


Don't forget your bicycle! Unmarked bicycles left in the shed will be disposed of during the summer.

Bicycle storage is for current residents only.

Confiscated items

If you have had any items confiscated during your stay, they can be collected during office hours between 31 May and 6 June. Please note we are unable to issue items on departure day 7 June.

Details for collection for September departures will be confirmed closer to the time.


We are unable to store belongings. Any item not cleared from a room/flat will be disposed of and charges will be added to your account.

If you need items stored please contact Flexistore

Thanks for staying with us. Goodbye and Good Luck!