Posted 1 year ago
Mon 01 Jan, 2024 12:01 AM
Whilst it can be tempting to try and impress your new friends it is still important to keep level headed. We won't tell you not to have fun and enjoy your time because you should be making the most of it but keeping yourself safe is key.
There are a few simple ways in which you can make sure yourself and others stay unharmed and safe when you are on a night out.
Charge your phone before a night out...
Making sure your phone is fully charged before you head out is important. Losing your friends in an unfamiliar city can be scary, especially if you have no battery to call anyone.
Double-check taxis...
Make yourself aware of the taxi companies in the city, don't get into a taxi you are unsure of or a stranger's car offering you a lift.
Shout bye...
When you are leaving your accommodation for a night out and getting into a taxi, a good trick is to shout bye, even if there is no one in the house. You never want to come back to any nasty surprises.
Stick together...
A parent might have always said this, but you have safety in numbers so stay together. Don't leave people behind and if you are leaving somewhere make sure you have got everyone.
Watch your drinks...
Don't leave your drink unattended and definitely don't 'mind sweep', if you can't afford to buy drinks then it's probably not the best idea to go out.
Know your boundaries...
If you're having a good time, know your limits, in terms of alcohol and if you meet someone. Remember that no means no and don't feel pressured into doing anything.
Trust your instincts...
If something doesn't feel right then it usually isn't, trust your gut. If you get yourself into a situation you don't want to be in then walk away or call a friend.
Don't walk alone...
Walking home alone after a night out is never a good idea, ring a friend, get a taxi or public transport, don't become an easy target plus it will save you from blisters.
Ask for Angela campaign...
If you have met up with someone and you feel unsafe in the situation, ask the bar for 'Angela' and they will help you get out of the situation without a fuss.
Remember to download Safezone!
The SafeZone app is available to you 24 hours per day on campus, at our accommodation residences, or anywhere in between, to alert campus security to any incidents.