Nicole's Blog: Moving to Glasgow

Posted 2 years ago

My whole life in two bags!

Starting university can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of your life. In most cases, it involves more independence, more academic stress, and responsibility to take on. On the other hand, university is most commonly the best time of your life, combining new-found freedom with few life responsibilities.

I have been looking forward to coming to Glasgow for months, ever since I accepted my place at the university. I have already lived in Glasgow for six years in the past so I was so glad to be returning to the city I once called home. All of the stuff that I had heard online about the University of Glasgow and its community really had me excited to join and I was counting down the days until the beginning of university.

In usual procrastinator fashion, I left the packing until too late and spent the last week stressing about how to fit my entire life into a tiny suitcase. Pro tip: don’t do this.

I suddenly felt a deep affection for every weird t-shirt that I hadn't worn in years. And of course I need to bring 7 unused notebooks with me, how else will I take notes? plus 3 different pencil cases? I can’t believe I managed to cut it down to that.

My whole life in two bags

After some passport-related issues, I was finally able to get on my flight and head on over to Glasgow.

a piece of luggage sitting on top of a suitcase

Touch down

I was exhausted but glad to finally be starting this new chapter of my life. I am super excited to re-explore the city and make new friends.

a side view mirror of a car window

So if you are planning on joining the University of Glasgow community soon from someplace far (or not so far) away, I wish you the best and hope that you have a safe journey to Glasgow :)